
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Crazy Sexy Diet

I'm a morning person, so it's no surprise I'd be up at 8am watching Oprah Winfrey's Network.  She has a new weekly Sunday series called Super Soul Sunday that runs from 8am to 11am.  It's full of thought provoking interviews, short documentaries and ordinary people's inspiring stories.

I had woken up and was fully dressed to head out to Starbucks and get my seasonal Pumpkin Spice Latte drink.  I had my scarf and sunglasses on and was ready to head out the door.   I  always turn on the TV to put on my last item, my shoes.  I glimpsed at the TV and there was this wispy blonde with the shiniest eyes talking to me from the tv about how she spends 7 hours a week cooking.  When I heard that, I stopped tieing my shoe laces and was like, huh?  Me who hates cooking and hates the whole cooking process was wondering who his this nut?  And hours?  Is she for real?

As I listened some more I realized "Yes she was!" she was really really for real.  See, preparing these special meals was very necessary because her life depended on it.  It was do or die for her.  She no longer was  just a pretty blond bright eyed wispy lady.  Her name is Kris Carr and on February 14, 2003 she found out she had cancer.

I took off my scarf, sunglasses, sneakers and I sat cross legged on my couch that early Sunday morning completely glued to my tv. I listened to a story that would and can change my life.  I'm not a lesbian but I fell in love with her as soon as I starting listening to her story and how upbeat and cheerful she was.  She wasn't bitter or jaded, she turned that all into something positive.  So refreshing.

Her book Crazy Sexy Diet starts off with the a foreword by Rory Freedman.  In his foreword he says this book didn't come into my life for no reason.  It's not a coincidence,  this book is a key to a door I always wanted to open.  My life starts now.  Can I be a vegetarian? Me?  The meat eater?  The person who always said "I can never live without meat, that's why God gave us teeth." Now I  wonder, who or what  gives you cancer?

In this book it says to start small.  First commit yourself to a reasonable goal and stick to it for 21 days.  I've been thinking hard about it, what can I give up for 21 days?  Now I can't cheat, I need to pick something I eat all the time.  What do I eat or do regularly that's unhealthy?  I choose bread.  I eat bread everyday for breakfast when I should be making my smoothies.  There it is,  I've made up my mind.  I'm stepping through the healthy doorway. Next, I clear all the unhealthy crap out of my kitchen. Easy!  I'll just ignore my husband's stuff and keep it out of my way where it can't tempt me.  He's not ready to take this journey with me and become the Wellness Warrior I wish to be.

I haven't even gotten to Chapter 1 yet...

ps...  Another thing I love about this book is that it's not plain.  It has pictures and colors, all things that keep my ADD in check.   I get bored easily but this keeps me glued, every page is like an adventure.  Just look:

A book calling you gorgeous?   Well, what else can I ask for?

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